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A New Clinical Trial Platform

BayBiotech.NET The Medpedia Project has established a platform ‘Medpedia Clinical Trials’ for patients, researchers and physicians to receive information about the thousands of clinical trials that are in process or about to begin worldwide. The information on various clinical trials is updated regularly from and can be searched using different attributes with basic and advanced search functionalities. Medpedia Clinical Trials platform allows visitors to leave their comments, thoughts and views on a specific clinical trial page. Most importantly, a personalized feed can also be obtained if someone is interested in learning more about on-going or about to start clinical trials on a particular condition worldwide. Moreover, if you are reading a Medpedia article on a particular clinical condition, the information on the related clinical trials are fed automatically alongside the article page. To learn more about it visit .

What goes into the Investigator’s Brochure?

BayBiotech.NET As per ICH guidelines, the overall aim of an Investigator’s Brochure is to provide the investigator with a clear understanding of the possible risks and adverse reactions, and of specific tests, observations and precautions that may be needed to conduct a clinical trial maintaining the safety of the patients enrolled for the study. This information must be based on scientific data produced by performed physical, chemical, pharmaceutical, pharmacological, toxicological, and clinical information of the investigational drug or device. Based on the scientific studies, the Investigator’s Brochure is intended to provide the Investigator with necessary management of study subjects throughout the clinical trial. Main focus must be given to the following measures: A. Dose B. Frequency of the dose C. Method of administration D. Safety monitoring procedures E. List of abbreviations and acronyms F. Description of the formulation of the drug G. Instructions for the storage ...

Amendments for High Risk Device Type Regulatory Pathway

BayBiotech.NET Government Accounting Office (“GAO”) has issued a long-awaited report evaluating the use of the 510(k) process by the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA” or the “Agency”) in the January of 2009. Report mainly focused on Preamendment class III devices. Although most high-risk class III medical devices are subject to the demanding premarket approval (“PMA”) process, preamendment class III devices may be cleared through the 510(k) pathway until FDA issues regulations requiring a PMA. Under the Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990, FDA was required either to reclassify preamendment class III devices into class I or II, or (2) issue regulations requiring PMA approval for the devices, GAO noted that 20 preamendment class III device types have not yet been addressed by the Agency. GAO has urged FDA to take required steps to address the remaining class III devices that continue to be eligible for 510(k) review. As a result of the report, FDA has committed to address al...

Summary Technical Document (STED) Pilot Program

BayBiotech.NET STED is a harmonized submission format for regulatory submissions developed by the Global Harmonization Task Force (GHTF). GHTF is a voluntary partnership of government and industry representatives from the United States and four other member states: Australia, Canada, the European Union, and Japan. Main objective of the GHTF is to promote international harmonization of medical device regulation through the preparation and distribution of guidelines such as the proposed STED format. CDRH has implemented a voluntary pilot premarket review program intended to assess the feasibility of the STED format and content for certain PMA applications and 510(k) submissions and encourages medical device manufacturers to participate in the STED Pilot Program. The participation in the program will benefit the manufacturers especially those seeking international regulatory approval/clearance for their devices. To find out more about the program as well as the eligibility of you...

Levels of Containment against a Biohazardous Agent

BayBiotech.NET As per definition of Office of Health and Safety, “containment" is a term used for describing safe methods for managing infectious materials in the laboratory environment where they are being handled or maintained. The main objective of containment is to reduce or eliminate exposure of laboratory workers, other persons, and the outside environment to potentially hazardous agents. Two levels of containment defined are Primary and Secondary containment. Whereas, primary containment refers to the protection of personnel and the immediate laboratory environment from the infectious agents, the secondary containment refers to the protection of the environment external to the laboratory from the exposure to the infectious agent/ material. Primary containment is provided by good microbiological techniques and use of appropriate safety equipments. Secondary containment is provided mainly by a combination of facility design and operational procedures. A combination of ri...

Reauthorized Medical Device User Fees for FY 2008 - 2012

The legislation on the Medical Device User Fee Amendments of 2007 (MDUFA), is part of a larger bill — the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007 (H.R. 3850) and according to this, a substantial reduction for all existing application fees have been proposed, while providing for new types of medical device user fees. The new user fees are proposed for: • Submission of a 30-day notice. • Submission of a 513(g) request for classification information. • An annual fee for periodic reporting on a class III device. • An annual fee for the registration of a medical device establishment that is a manufacturer, a single-use device reprocessor, or a specification developer. On the other hand all existing application fees are substantially reduced for PMA, Panel-track PMA Supplement, BLA Efficacy Supplement, as well as 510(k) Notification remarkably for small businesses in a range between -18 – 70%. Follow this link to read more on this: Medical Device User Fees Have Been Re...

510(k) Summary or Statement

BayBiotech.NET A premarket notification from a manufacturer must include either a summary of the 510(k) safety and effectiveness information of the product upon which the substantial-equivalence determination is based or a statement that this information will be made available by the 510(k) applicant to any person within 30 days of a written request. As per FDA definition, these are the definition of Summary and Statements: Summaries are released by FDA regarding a 510(k) clearance when requested under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act whereas Statements are used to arrange for this FOI request to be fulfilled by the 510(k) applicant. 510(k) Summaries: If a summary is included, it must be submitted with the 510(k) notification as per FDA guidelines. The summary must be complete and correct in order for FDA to complete its review of a 510(k) submission. FDA will accept summaries and amendments until it issues a determination of substantial equivalence. If a summary has be...