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IRBs in Developing Countries

BayBiotech.NET Conducting clinical trials in developing countries usually are faced with several local challenges and one of them is lack of local Institutional Review Board (IRBs) to review the informed consents and study protocols as well as monitor the study. Mostly, if a clinical trial is initiated outside US, the IRB within United States guides the trial. Mostly, in developing countries maintaining an efficient IRB is considered an extra financial burden on the system. Thus, a US sponsor in a developing country may face the challenges as the views on the judgment about risks and benefits of a trial may differ between the countries. In addition, developing informed consents become a main barrier due to a low literacy rate. Thus, the best solution to this could be that two IRB committees oversee the work, one based in United States as well as one in the developing country. The US sponsor must ensure the existence of such an IRB in the country of interest. The IRB in the country of...

Useful Resources for Clinical Research

BayBiotech.NET Hello All, Here is a list of some resources related to Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs, hope you will find them useful for your work! More to follow in my next blog…. Useful Resources 1. Directory of pharmaceutical industry-funded clinical trials, free and easy-to-use interface for patients and health professionals alike to ongoing clinical trials, clinical trial results and complementary information on related issues. Link: 2. Registry of federally and privately supported clinical trials conducted in the United States and around the world. Link: 3. Opportunities for public involvement in clinical research: People in Research helps members of the public make contact with organizations that want to actively involve them in clinical research. Link: 4. Regulatory Affairs Professional Society: society of professionals engaged in r...

Efficient Laboratory Workflow Management

BayBiotech.NET In current times demands on laboratory performance are becoming more intensive as the number of new tests and diseases are adding on to our list as well as a greater demand for accuracy in test results is increasing by a much more controlled regulatory environment. In order to meet these demands, laboratory personnel are working on an ongoing basis to improve efficiency and productivity through better control over the operation and function of all aspects of the testing process by incorporating automation and use of computerized system wherever possible. Creation of an efficient Workflow helps make the entire process cost effective and efficient and a framework for creating a workflow may include: 1. Understanding the issues relating to creating a work list 2. Describe ways to minimize laboratory contamination 3. Understand ways to improve labor efficiency 4. Understand key variables that contribute to testing accuracy  Explain the importance of sensitivity ...

eCTD Submission Specifications

BayBiotech.NET The electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD) is an interface for the pharmaceutical industry to agency transfer of regulatory information. eCTD technical document format development was done by International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) Multidisciplinary Group 2 Expert Working Group (ICH M2 EWG). Details on the specification for the ICH eCTD can be found in the guidance document M2 eCTD: Electronic Common Technical Document Specification. Currently, eCTD is the preferred format for electronic submissions by U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Although originally the CTD and the eCTD were designed for marketing applications, they could apply equally to other submission types, including INDs, master files, advertising material, and promotional labeling. In June 2008, FDA has issued guidelines for organizing the electronic regulatory document filing using the eCTD tools. This guidance discusses issues related to the electronic submission of applications for hum...

Cold Chain Management: Good Practices

BayBiotech.NET Cold chain management is a temperature-controlled supply chain management to insure an unbroken and uninterrupted series of storage and distribution activities which maintain a given temperature range. Cold chain management is used to extend the shelf life as well as to protect the temperature sensitive products such as fresh produce, photographic films, meat products and medicinal products from damages caused due to inappropriate temperature regulations during processing, delivery and storage. Food industry uses the process of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP), as a useful tool, however, its usage continues into other fields such as Pharmaceutical Industry. HACCP process identifies key action points known as Critical Control Points that are used to lower the hazardous risks. HACCP is based on seven principles. The seven principles are: (1) hazard analysis, (2) critical control point identification, (3) establishment of critical limits, (4) mon...

European Medicines Agency : no longer ‘the EMEA’ – and not ‘the EMA’ either

BayBiotech.NET European Medicines Agency is in the process of changing its acronym from EMEA to EMA based on the feedback from the stakeholders over the past years who had questioned the existence of the second ‘e’ in the acronym which does not accurately reflect the full name. In addition, since EMEA is most frequently used in the business community to mean Europe, Middle East and Africa , European Medicine Agency has decided not to use EMEA to avoid the confusions. Since the inception, the adaptability of the acronym EMA is still to be validated and hence the agency decides to be using its full name as European Medicines Agency or the ‘Agency’ for short in the communications with e-mail ids being exceptions where ema will be used. The press release from EMEA has the details of all the recent changes that the Agency has undergone and is in the process of implementaion. Rest to follow…

Assignment and Request for Agency Component Designation for Premarket Applications (21CFR Part 3.1-3.10)

BayBiotech.NET The main purpose of 21 CFR Part 3 is to support the efficiency of agency management and operations by providing guidelines for determining the agency component that will have primary jurisdiction for any drug, device, or biological product or providing the guidelines for the agency component determination where such jurisdiction is unclear. Out of 10 sections of the 21CFR Part 3 (Product Jurisdiction), the blog has the main emphasis on Sec 3.5 and 3.7 that relates to the guidance documents for agency designations as well as the requirements for request of agency designation in case the designation is unclear as per the guidance. As per Sec 3.5, The Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, the Center for Devices and Radiological Health, and the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research have developed guidance documents clarifying product jurisdictional issues. The guidance documents entitled "Intercenter Agreement Between the Center for Drug Evaluation and Resea...